Winter 21 Magazine: Wishing you a Sustainable Christmas

Always ones to embrace any opportunity, we have taken the upheaval of the last 18 months as the impetus to make a few changes at Accent. Whist still very much a creative company, and still offering brand identity and print design capabilities, we have shifted our focus to the digital solutions side of what we do – and to our unique combination of creative design, web, app and software development, with formidable technical knowledge. You might have noticed that we also updated our brand along the way and are now Accent Creative Digital Solutions.

Despite coming out of lockdown, we decided to continue working remotely and were sad to move out of our beautiful offices at the Old Church in July. We are however now proud to be tenants, and part of the thriving innovative community, at the Enterprise Centre at UEA, for when we do need space to work together and meet with clients.

We have continued with projects for long-standing clients such as Agency Express, Property118 and KLM Engineering during 2021, as well as welcoming aboard new clients such as MPO Global, Positive Internet and Grip with projects across the spectrum from food packaging to advanced software systems.

This year, we have returned to a magazine format for our annual musings, but in keeping with our new focus, and in line with ever more critical sustainability concerns, are delivering it to you in digital form. In this year’s round-up, we introduce you to new team members Reza and Karen, show you round a couple of ongoing projects, Brenton addresses mental health issues exacerbated by lockdown, Craig talks technical about APIs, and Reza looks at the human face of AI.

We hope that you enjoy our periodic ponderings, and may we take this opportunity to wish you, your colleagues, and your families a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy & prosperous 2022.


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Article by Geoff
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